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We do not want to replace books! We want to enhance kids’ experience when it comes to reading stories.
Kevin Timelli
Kidcrea Story Founder


What is Kidcrea?

Kidcrea is a team of Humans that believe imagination and creation are extremely important for kids.
Because with internet and videos content being more and more present we try to give a different approach of using technology.


What motivates us?

We aspire to offer parents around the world the ability to share their languages with their children through this new way of storytelling.
As we plan to have as many languages as possible.


What is Kidcrea Story?

Kidcrea Story is a website where families and kids can have a fun time creating and personalising stories while using technology.
With two types of storytelling available Crea-Story and Interactiv-Story.
Awaken your kids imagination! Children create their own stories by choosing a hero, a location, an emotion and an item.

Stories available in multiple languages with over 60 fun options to choose from!

Here, you can explore all our available scenarios, that your kids can shape on Kidcrea Story taking them on an amazing imagination journey!

Furthermore we want to make Literacy more meaningful and more creative with these stories in multiple languages.

We also created Kidcrea Story to promote multilingualism and multiculturalism.

online multilingual children support