
Multilingual and Storytelling blog support

online multilingual children support

Raising multilingual children can be a rewarding yet challenging experience.

Thankfully, the internet is filled with valuable resources and insights from parents/professionnel who have been through it themselves.

As parents, we can often feel isolated in our struggles to raise multilingual children.


It’s comforting to know that there are others out there who understand and are willing to share their knowledge and expertise in Raising Multilingual Children.
Here is a list of passionate individuals and organisations that provide resources, ideas, and support for parents raising multilingual children and advocating for literacy:

Multilingual Works and Literacy:

  • M@ultilingual_dad: A trilingual family (French/Korean/English) and author of “THE PARENTS’ GUIDE TO RAISING MULTI-LITERATE CHILDREN.”
    Empowers parents and educators to help multilingual children read and write.
  • @Msclaudias_bento: A quadrilingual family encouraging parents to draw and write with their kids and sharing tips on raising confident writers in any language. Provides lessons for educators and parents on literacy and language development.


  • @My_bilingual_babies: A Mexican mother living in Canada who helps families in bilingual upbringing and advocates for a bilingual community. Helps parents raise bilingual and bicultural children through play.



  • How2raise3linguals: A YouTube channel that provides ideas, suggestions, and personal reflections on raising well-balanced trilingual and multilingual children.

African Languages:

  • @African_bilinguals: Provides resources for raising bilingual children who can speak not only Western languages but also their mother tongue, with a focus on Africa.

Speech Therapy Bilingual:

Raising Multilingual

Every week Ute and Tetsu, gives live on their channel, bringing a lot of great content for parents raising multilinguals.

Advocacy for Multilingualism and Multiculturalism:

  • @Linguaculturaexp: An advocacy platform for quality language and cultural education, preservation, revitalization, and promotion as well as multilingualism and multiculturalism.

There are many more resources and communities available online that can provide support and guidance in raising multilingual children.

We invite you to share your own links and resources in the comments section to help other parents on their journey.